About "Exposed"
This may sound like a site of controversy with the word "Exposed." Exposing all the Baptists' secrets here! Such a site would garner much attention, and it could be pretty profitable.
However, the heart behind this site is to share in a profitable journey. My research interest is Baptists of the American Founding Era. This time and population segment have much to teach us today in being citizens of both a nation and Jesus Christ's Kingdom.
So, the plan is to uncover many original writings (primary sources) and others' research. It will be a journey that spans several years with a goal of a major research project with my academic institution. In the Blog section, I am going to create a "behind the scenes" experience: short entries that expose what I have been uncovering in terms of sources, research questions, and methods.
Follow along to be Exposed to Baptist History. Please use the Contact section to join in by letting me know your thoughts, suggestions, and encouragements.
Little About the Blogger, Jared
This blog flows out of love for Christ and History. I have always enjoyed studying history, but after coming faith in Christ, history became alive to me in a new way. It was no longer facts, figures, and foundations of the past; Instead, I feel or desire more connection to the humanity of the figures and events.
So, I have entered a new phase of this love for Christ and History. I am enrolled at Liberty University to get formal training in the discipline of historical research. It has started with an Executive Certificate (2021-2022) and will likely turn into a Ph.D. pursuit. I hope this blog shares this journey with both difficulties and joys of discoveries (or exposing).
In addition to you, the online audience, I have my wonderful wife and our four sons alongside me. Then, I am grateful for the love and support of our church, Bartonville Baptist, where I have been serving as pastor since 2017. Who would foresaw such endeavors would be in store for me with my IT (Information Technology) background and 10-30 year plans were to work IT for Fortune 500 Company? Only God and Savior Jesus Christ, To Him be the glory.